Kat Lane's Astrocast

Astrologer Kat Lane's AstroCast is a week-at-a glance Forecast to help you Plan by the Light of the Void Moon.

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Void Moon!

Void Moon!

























When the Moon Is Void, Chill!

Outlook: Predictably unpredictable
Advisory: Take an umbrella, sunscreen and snow boots. In other words, expect the unexpected and avoid making major plans or decisions.
Highs: spontaneity, imagination, creativity
Lows: unpredictable, erratic, frustrating

As the Moon orbits from the end of one sign to the beginning of the next, it disconnects from the rest of the planets—sort of like a cell phone dropping out when it loses a signal. During these lunar “time-outs,” we not only feel unfocused, we experience delays, cancellations, uncertainties and frustration. So this is definitely not the time to set the date or buy a car. I call this the Lemon Moon as purchases made now usually result in buyer’s remorse. If you absolutely must make plans during this time, be sure to reconfirm them when the Moon is no longer Void and be prepared to make adjustments. A Void Moon period can last from a few minutes to a few days.

Spontaneity rules! So go with the flow. If this is a short Void period, don’t sweat it. Just make sure those few minutes are not the time you buy those non-refundable tickets. If this is a longer Void period, (half a day or more) lower your expectations about what you can accomplish. Stick with routine tasks and be open to changes in schedule that just may turn out better than the original plan! Void Moons are neither good nor bad.  Just unpredictable. I find I have the best chance of scoring a ticket to a hit show or getting into a trendy restaurant during these times as there are often a lot of cancellations. The slackers among us even welcome the Voids, as they're the perfect time to fly below the radar: you can be as impractical, irresponsible and generally out to lunch as you want—because most everyone else will be too!

Void Moons are great for brainstorming, creativity and just kicking around ideas.  Writers I know find working during Voids often takes them in new and unexpected directions. Don’t schedule trainings or important client presentations when the Moon is out of sync. Routine meetings or tasks fare better.

So what’s love in the time of the Void like? Spontaneous, surprising and chancy: Condoms break, you forget to take your pill. While chance encounters and hook-ups can be fun, don’t expect true love. Relationships begun under a Void Moon seldom go anywhere. Obviously, this is not the time to make a long-term commitment, like getting engaged … unless you secretly don’t want it to work out!

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When the Moon Is in ARIES, All Systems Are Go!

Outlook: Blustery, with intermittent gusts of aggression 
Advisory:  Expect bouts of braggadocio and mucho macho swaggering
Element: Fire (energetic, passionate; willful) 
Mode: Cardinal (pioneering, forceful; pushy) 
Highs: adventurousness, ambition; sports, exercise; passion, flirtations, sex
Lows: impatience, impulsiveness, impetuousness, irritability, argumentativeness

The Pisces fog rolls out as the very fresh Aries energy rushes in and clears the air for ACTION!  Aries is a fiery, outgoing, high-intensity sign, and under its influence we gotta be startin' somethin'. Lots and lots of somethin’s. But finishing them? Not so much.  Aries bores easily. Once that spark of inspiration has passed, the thrill is gone and it’s off to greener pastures, leaving the dreary details for other signs to handle. No surprise that there is a long trail of neglected projects, careers and lovers left in Aries' wake. So as you may have surmised, the Aries Moon is not the best time to start a diet, budget, relationship or anything else you intend to stick to.

Under this competitive, testosterone-fueled Moon, teamwork goes out the window. Expect to lock horns with those who dare to think their ideas are as brilliant as yours. Everyone wants to be the boss, during this me-first, ball-busting sign, and no one is in the mood to listen—let alone compromise. Yet lively discussions may result in bright new ideas. Just wait until the Moon is in a more open-minded sign, like Gemini or Libra, to broker deals and compromises. We tend to have hot tempers and a short fuse now, so think twice before bringing up any sore subjects with colleagues. Some people are just itchin’ for a fight when the Moon is in this irascible sign. 

Expect fireworks when the Moon is in passionate Aries. Sex can be wild, exciting, playful, energetic, and even romantic, in a chauvinistic, "Me Tarzan, You Not" sort of way. But as Aries is the sign of the short attention span, a "love 'em and leave 'em" mind set prevails. Quickies were invented under this Moon.  Obviously this is not the ideal time for intense intimacy or emotional bonding, except with yourself.  (We’re all more self involved when the Moon’s in this narcissistic sign.) It is, however, a great time to clear the air in a relationship. Everyone loves a good screaming match under this feisty moon, so yell and carry on all you want.  Just think of it as Aries foreplay. It will all be forgotten in an instant and the make-up sex will be great!

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When the Moon Is in TAURUS, Mellow Out!

Outlook: Mostly pleasant and mild
Advisory: Expect pockets of bullheadedness throughout the day.
Element: Earth (resourceful, pragmatic; materialistic)
Mode: Fixed (persistent, steadfast; entrenched)
Highs: making money, spending it; romance, sex; banking, budgeting; gardening
Lows: inflexible, lethargic, stubborn; possessive, greedy, hoarding

A low-pressure calm settles in after the restless energy of Aries. Under a Taurus Moon, we down shift and let the status quo prevail, because, well, it's just easier.  Taurus is the patron sign of couch potatoes, after all.  But it’s also the sign of the Material Girl, and someone needs to pay for all the bling and creature comforts. Fortunately, the Taurus Moon is excellent for making money and long-term investments. Resourcefulness abounds. We’re able to dig deep and tap into great stores of endurance, strength and skills.

Don't expect to be changing anyone's mind under this inflexible Moon. We’re all more risk adverse now. A better strategy would be to postpone conversations that require a hard sell until the Moon moves into a more open-minded sign, like Gemini. It shouldn't be difficult: people are procrastination-prone under this Moon. Yet Taurean energy (practical, patient and perseverant) is great for getting things done, and done right … no matter how long it takes. Taurus is all about quality not quantity. Projects begun now have potential for great growth, longevity and profit. Taurus is too value driven to waste precious time on anything that doesn’t deliver solid results. There’s nothing like the promise of cold cash, a warm meal, or hot sex to rile the bull to action.

Speaking of hot sex… This is a great time to explore your hedonistic drives to the fullest. While “manana” is soon enough for most things under a Taurus Moon, when it comes to amor, it’s “Arriba! Arriba!” Taurus energy brings out the secret playmate in everyone. Satisfaction is always guaranteed. Jealousy can be a problem, however, as we tend to feel more possessive now. A “what’s mine is mine; what’s yours is mine” attitude dominates. But as Taurus is the sign of long-term commitments (it's ruled by Venus the goddess of love, after all), this is an excellent time for getting engaged or saying “I Do.”

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When the Moon Is in GEMINI, Keep it Light!

Outlook: Breezy, bright and airy, with sporadic gusts of long-windedness
Advisory: Watch for intervals of capriciousness
Element: Air (communicative, sociable; flighty)
Mode: Mutable (changeable, versatile; easily distracted)
Highs: communications, socializing, intellectual pursuits, parties, fun, word games
Lows: mercurial attention span; fickleness

The pace quickens after the languid energy of Taurus. A mercurial, playful, even mischievous mood prevails and we're once again restless, curious and open to new ideas. We also want to do it all and tend to cram in a lot of activity. Variety rules the day, think tapas bar over formal dinner, light-hearted flings (yes, that's plural!) over heavy-duty intimacy. Gemini is the sign of the social butterfly and we’ll be flitting about more than usual, feeling urbane, witty, and terribly chatty. We’re also more sociable and open to meeting new people, which makes this a great time to throw a party!

We can get twice as much done now, as we’re likely to work faster and smarter under the influence of this lively air sign. Meetings, presentations, sales, brainstorming, writing, speaking, studying and teaching and all forms of communication, are favored. It’s also an excellent time for networking, conferences, trainings, business dinners and meet-and-greets. Gemini is ruled by manic, multitasking Mercury, so there is a tendency to take on too much right now. Avoid spreading yourself "two" thin.

You can double your pleasure under the sign of the twins.  This playful, romantic Moon may have you feeling vivacious and very versatile. This is an experimental, I’ll-try-anything, gender-fluid sort of Moon. But Gemini energy can be somewhat detached emotionally, preferring “light and breezy” to “hot and heavy.” Warning: This aversion to intimacy may lead to premature evacuation.

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When the Moon is in CANCER,take care! And call home.

Outlook: Mostly moody, with occasional flurries of affection and sentimentality
Advisory: Cover up and wear protection. The prevailing mood is over-sensitivity
Element: Water (creative, empathetic; irrational)
Mode: Cardinal (aspiring, tenacious; smothering)
Highs: family gatherings, home-centered activities, heart to hearts, therapy, real estate, banking
Lows: crabbiness, moodiness, being over emotional and thin-skinned

The lighthearted, heady energy of Gemini evaporates as we enter the deep-feeling realm of Cancer. This Moon, which rules home and family, tends to bring out our nurturing, caring and protective side. Ruled by the changeable Moon herself, Cancer energy also tends to be moody and highly emotional. Logic and reason hold little sway. It’s time to trust your gut and follow your hunches; your basic instincts are strong now. Earth-sign folks (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) do fine under this energy but Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) signs may feel out of their element today. Water-sign people tend to be more thin-skinned and prickly than usual: Cancers hide in their shells; Scorpios nurse old wounds and feed resentments; and sensitive Pisces “soles” resort to their escapist "drug" of choice. Since we're more security minded now, it's a good time for financial planning and real estate investments.

A Cancer Moon is an excellent time for creativity and projects requiring imagination. Teamwork fares well, especially if you foster a nurturing, family atmosphere among co-workers. Bring in home-made cupcakes or a box of donuts. Comfort food works wonders now. Don't try to sell the experimental, risky or adventurous. If you must, play up how this new product or method will be safer or cheaper and appeal to the nostalgic and sentimental. Think MadMen, not X-Men. As everyone is a little touchy and a lot evasive, problems are best handled in a non-direct manner; sidling around sensitive subjects is recommended.

The way to anyone’s heart right now is through a good home-cooked meal. A cozy, candlelit dinner is the way to go, followed by a long, intense make-out session on the couch. (Cancer is a very oral sign.) It’s also caring, affectionate and deeply empathetic. If you want to attract someone’s attention, walk with a limp or stutter. During this nurturing Moon, we need to be needed. A Cancer Moon is not the best time for one-night stands, as people tend to be more clingy.

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When the Moon Is in LEO, Rise and Shine! 

Outlook: Mostly sunny and warm
Advisory: High probability of encountering gale-force pomposity
Element: Fire (energetic, passionate; temperamental)
Mode: Fixed (persistent, steady; stubborn)
Highs: presentations, fundraisers, entertaining, grooming, leisure activities, sports, romance, travel, kids
Lows: ego trips, haughtiness, pride, extravagance (caution: budgets and diets could go bust)  

Curtains up! We slip out of Cancer’s protective shell and enter the showy Leo spotlight. Everyone wants to be the center of attention now. Fortunately, Leo is a generous energy and willing to share the stage —well, most of the time. Egos can run wild during this grandstanding Moon, and the desire to keep up appearance at all costs, can get costly.  The good news is that since everyone wants to impress, you won't have to pick up every check. The Moon in Leo is one of the most fun times of the month. It’s great for parties, romance, travel and sports.  

Get ready for your close-up! This is an excellent time to show leadership  and creativity. Don’t just give a presentation, put on a show! People will be more responsive to your message if you make it entertaining. Leo is a wonderful energy for networking, making new connections and developing good working relationships. Try not to criticize colleagues during this time, but if it can’t be avoided, spare their pride by doing it out of earshot.

Date nights under a Leo Moon tend to be extravagant affairs. Nothing’s too good for the royal couple. Get dressed up and put your love on display at the opera, concert hall or theater and go wining and dining at the finest restaurant. Back at your place, romance is theater and Leo performs! Bring out the mirrors, props and costumes. We’re talking 50 shades of royal-purple passion (grey is way too dull a color for this ostentatious sign). Enjoy the show, and don’t forget to applaud.

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When the Moon Is in VIRGO, the Devil Is in the Details!

Outlook: Brisk!
Advisory: Watch for hailstorms of criticism and a preponderance of nit-picking
Element: Earth (productive, practical; pedantic) 
Mode: Mutable (adaptable, responsive; contrary)
Highs:  health, nutrition, diet, exercise; bargaining, budgeting
Lows: highly critical, finicky, nit-picky; missing the forest for the trees

Spit spot! Leo playtime is over. Release your inner Mary Poppins and get busy. The action moves backstage, where a no-frills, no-nonsense approach prevails. It's time to do all the important but boring stuff that keeps the wheels turning: have a check-up; get the oil changed; balance your checkbook, scrub the tub.  A Virgo Moon is fantastic for maintenance and repairs, starting a diet or health regimen and spring cleaning—even in winter. Cleanliness is next to godliness during this meticulous Moon, so wake up and smell the Lysol, there's gonna be a whole lot of disinfecting going on. I could always smell when the Moon was in Virgo as, without fail, my co-worker would pull out the Clorox wipes and start cleaning her cubicle.

“In every job that’s to be done, there is an element of fun.” That was so yesterday, when the Moon was in Leo.  Virgo is not afraid to call work, work. And like the other earth signs [Taurus and Capricorn] this uber-resourceful energy is excellent for getting things done, especially tasks that require analysis, critical thinking, troubleshooting and problem solving. It’s also exceptional for detail-oriented work, from crafts to carpentry to coding. Creativity plays second fiddle to critical thinking now. We step back, take a cold, hard look and figure out what's not working, why it's not working and how to make it better. Okay. It’s mostly figuring out what doesn't work. Virgo loves to point out the error in our ways—and leaves no stone unturned in the effort. This is a fine time to examine the fine print, so it’s good for negotiating contracts, though it may take longer than usual as every teensy, tiny little nit is picked. You do want it to be perfect don’t you?

Virgo is a very discriminating energy, always looking to separate the riff from the raff. So you could be forgiven for thinking this was not the most romantic Moon. Yes, passion tends to take a back seat to good—make that great—technique now.  But love during the time of Virgo can be shown in thousands of thoughtful ways. Virgo foreplay consists of doing little chores for each other like taking out the garbage, picking up the dry cleaning, recycling the beer bottles. Pssst! People tend to be more fastidious and germ conscious now. If you think you're going to get lucky later, bring your own toothbrush.

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When the Moon Is in LIBRA, We Can Relate!

Outlook: Mostly Fair
Advisory:  Try to keep an even keel. Pockets of vacillation have been spotted in the vicinity
Element: Air (communicative, sociable; prevaricating)
Mode: Cardinal (goal oriented, dynamic; passive aggressive) 
Highs: romance, relationships, teamwork; art, music, design, fashion; diplomacy, justice, politics
Lows: indecisiveness, people-pleasing, cajolery

Everybody sing: "When the Moon is in the seventh house ... peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars." The Libra Moon is the seventh-house Moon and it’s all true! Every “gliddy glup gloopy” word of it.  The prevailing mood is harmony: We all want to get along and we’re willing to see the other side.  If Aries is “me first,” Libra, the opposite sign, is “we first,” making this the time for relationships, diplomacy, fairness, and balance: lest we forget, Libra's symbol is the scales. But before those scales achieve balance, they fluctuate—a lot. It takes great finesse to achieve equilibrium. So forgive Libra its inherent indecisiveness; it’s just weighing all sides of the issue. Libra is also the patron sign of the Arts, so  you may be feeling creative and/or looking to be inspired under its influence. This is an ideal time to visit a museum/gallery, attend a concert or go to a show.  

The Libra vibe is convivial and collaborative, making it one of the best Moons for teamwork. Take advantage of this harmonious atmosphere to reach across the aisle and improve relations. (I’m talking to you, Congress). This sociable Moon is ideal for networking, office parties and business dinners; building relationships and forming alliances and partnerships. When dealing with conflicts or legal matters, Libra favors amicable solutions. Cases are more apt to settle out of court now (it’s less confrontational). Creative projects, especially those involving music, art, design and fashion, flourish. 
"I was raised to be charming, not sincere," says the Prince in Into the Woods. The Libra Moon brings out the sweet-talkers and smooth operators, and it’s nearly impossible not to fall under their spell. Swept away by Libra’s heady, romantic influence, we’re prone to celebrate the panoply of love: the flowers, the candles, the wine, the music, the chocolates. By the time it’s time to make time, you're both so exhausted the rest of the evening can be, well, anti-climactic. Libra’s harmonious energy is optimal for working out relationship issues, since we’re more willing to look at love from both sides now. Psst! Watch for mood-killing indecisiveness. “Where do you want to go for dinner?” “I don’t know. Where do you want to go?” “I want to go wherever you want to go.” And so it goes.

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When the Moon Is in SCORPIO, Go Deep!

Outlook: Stormy!
Advisory:  Turbulence, at times severe, with extreme highs and lows in temperament
Element: Water (emotional, intuitive; brooding)
Mode: Fixed (unwavering, fiercely loyal; relentless)
Highs: passionate, sexual; intense, focused, resourceful; transformational, healing
Lows: jealousy, resentments, emotional blackmail; power plays, coups, backstabbing

If you like intrigue and drama, this Moon’s for you. The relatively harmonious energy of Libra has subsided. Now the air is fraught with sturm und drang and more plot twists, power plays and backstabbing than House of Cards. This is a dark, brooding energy, in which deep-seated resentments and jealousies, long brewing beneath the surface, burble up. People are prickly and easily take offense. When a benign pleasantry, like “Nice to see you” elicits a seething “What did you mean by that?”, you can bet the Moon’s in Scorpio. That said, don't think you shouldn’t leave the house under this impassioned Moon. The dogged intensity of this sign makes it one of the best for healing, research, making discoveries, probing analysis and investigations. You will get to the bottom of things now or die trying. But don’t worry. Scorpio is symbolized by the phoenix, a mythical bird of unsurpassed beauty, which consumes itself by fire then resurrects from its own ashes. Turn this energy on yourself and prepare for some emotional housecleaning: you can purge your past, metamorphose and regenerate. Ready for a dizzying transformation? How about some Dramamine?

Looking for a great time to make a breakthrough?  Tapping in to the Scorpio vibe could provide laser-like focus and help you drill down into a fathomless reservoir of resources and resolve, as you move heaven and earth to get the job done. Scorpio energy doesn’t like to be scattered. It’s best to focus on one particular project, problem or task at a time. Keep your head down, your cards close to your chest and steer clear of any temptation to be lured into the netherworld of office politics, coups and power plays. For inspiration, I offer the wise words Voltaire spoke on his death bed, when pressured to renounce the devil: “This is no time for making new enemies.” Aside from being a renowned writer, wit and critic of the church, Voltaire was a Scorpio and knew of what he spoke. Just saying.

As you may have intuited, a Scorpio Moon is no time for close encounters of the "lite" kind. Scorpio energy is passionate, intense and transformational.  This is also not the time to have “that talk” with your lover. You know, the one you’ve been dreading. Trust me, it can wait. Otherwise, resentments and hurts you thought long forgotten will suddenly rise up like Khaleesi’s dragons and engulf you both in flames. You have a choice here: Love can be a battlefield OR the sacred joining of two souls, a magical, mystical tour of redemption and transcendence, in which you’re flung to the depths of heaven and the heights of hell. Or at least there’s that potential. Depending upon where you're at, you could find this thrilling or daunting — or both!

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When the Moon Is in Sagittarius, Let the Good Times Roll!

Outlook: Windy and oh, so Bright
Advisory:  Expect name drops, heavy at times, throughout out the day
Element: Fire (enthusiastic, passionate; excessive)
Mode: Mutable (flexible, open; scattered)
Highs: travel, adventure; sports, exercise; fun, parties, sex; publicity, publishing, philosophy, philanthropy 
Lows: overly blunt and loquacious; slacker-like behavior

Cheer up! The emotional storms of Scorpio are behind us and hope springs eternal!  Well, at least while the Moon is zipping through this jolly, optimistic sign. Sagittarius is a big, unpretentious energy. It's fun, energetic and rarin' to go, making it great for sports, travel and adventure. Tap in to your inner explorer and expand your horizons. Okay, so you can’t get to Machu Picchu on your lunch break. But you could check out that Peruvian food truck, discover a new neighborhood or break out the Rosetta Stone and learn Mandarin. When even the couch potatoes among us are signing up for triathalons and Tough Mudder events, you know the Moon is in this daredevil sign. 

The hardest thing about working under this outdoorsy, fun-loving Moon is...working. Even over-industrious Capricorns are jonesing to play hooky, call in sick or, at the very least, take a looooong lunch. Do whatever you can to get out from behind a desk.  Attend conferences or trainings; go to any and all client events, business lunches and/or dinners. Go on! Walk that fine line between networking and partying. I won’t tell. Sagittarius is the sign of self promotion, after all. If you have to hold that boring status meeting, make ’em laugh!  Add humor to pitches and presentations. This Moon is ideal for circulating your big ideas. Tasks involving writing, promotions, publicity, publishing and advertising fare best. It’s all about the big picture now; leave the detailed work for another day. You have plenty of time to be serious and responsible when the Moon moves into Capricorn.

We get a yen to discover foreign territory under this adventurous Moon. A perfect date would be to circle the globe in a night.  Eat at an Ethiopian restaurant, see a Japanese film, explore the kama sutra.  Your novel ideas about romance at this time could put E.L. James (50 Shades of Grey author) to shame. Expect love in the time of Sagittarius to be passionate, exciting and athletic. But it comes with a warning: With its don’t-fence-me-in attitude, Sadge is more inclined to romps, flings and whirlwind romances than long-term commitments. So keep that in mind and you just may enjoy, not suffer, the slings and arrows of outrageous flirtations. (Did I mention Sagittarius can be a bit corny?)

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When the Moon Is in CAPRICORN, Get Serious!

Outlook: Chilly and Dry
Advisory: Prepare for some intermittent harshness
Element: Earth (purposeful, responsible; stinting) 
Mode: Cardinal (enterprising, dynamic; scolding)  
Highs: organization, determination, follow-through, discipline, budgeting, business, teaching
Lows: over-cautious; tight-fisted; controlling; Scrooge-like behavior (pre-Xmas morn)

Play period is over. It’s time to get back to work. Think of the Capricorn Moon as the corrective to all that Sagittarian excess: Sagittarius expands; Capricorn contracts. Like the morning after that big party, we soberly resolve to be good, tow the line and never, ever _____[fill in the blank] again. Until the next time the Moon is in Sadge. But for now, the mood is serious and we act with caution and restraint. We’re all business under this diligent Moon, which makes it an excellent time to get things done.

There’s no better Moon for getting down to business. Capricorn lends follow through, persistence and a desire to get ahead. Tap in to your inner ambition and start climbing the ladder of success. This Moon is excellent for teaching (now’s the time for that all-day training) and all jobs that requires extra focus and concentration. But this energy can also bring out the stern and scolding taskmaster in some people. So don’t expect to be cut any slack if you’re running behind schedule. If that report/budget/homework assignment is due today, quit reading this and get it done. NOW!

There’s barely a moment for romance when the Moon is in this workaholic sign. But if you do make time, it can be well worth it. Capricorn energy, like the other earth signs (TA, VI), brings out our sensuality. Yes, Capricorns are driven. But while it’s been said that their sex drive takes a back seat to their ambition, the truth is, their ambition is to be driven wild in the back seat. The goat is one of the most libidinous signs in the Zodiac.  Just don’t expect spontaneity,  surprises or outward displays of affection (those are reserved for behind closed doors). Capricorns are never caught with their pants down … unless it’s a part of a carefully orchestrated seduction.

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When the Moon Is in AQUARIUS, Innovate!

Outlook: Way cool!
Advisory:  The wind blows hot and cold
Element:  Air (intellectual, friendly; emotionally detached)
Mode: Fixed (persistent, loyalfanatical)
Highs: communications, originality, intellectual pursuits, technology, humanitarian causes, friendships
Lows: contrariness, obstinacy; chilly, aloof; aversion to intimacy

Open a new window! Let the ultra-cool vibe of the Aquarius Moon blow in and liberate us from Capricorn's restraints. Aquarius is the sign of peace, love and tofu. It's unconventional, radical and fanatical. Under its influence, we're suddenly imbued with a revolutionary spirit and a burning desire to change the world. When your stodgy uncle shows up sporting his old leather jacket and shades, and your sedate boss breaks out the love beads and fringe, you know we're under the spell of that ol' rebel Moon. So don't be surprised when you're overcome with an urge to challenge authority and thumb your nose at the establishment. Once upon a time, there were rebels without a  cause. Today we have more causes than rebels. What's your cause? Saving the environment? Resisting the Trump Agenda? Making Protests Great Again? Get up on that soapbox and start your crusade!

It's time to think outside the box and shake things up. Don't stick to the script. Reject the static quo! This nonconformist Moon is about letting your originality shine. Everyone is restless with the same old, same old. Hit the reset button. We're more open to new and exciting ideas now, so you have an excellent chance of slipping one of your innovative and unconventional initiatives past that “old boy” network. Go ahead! Down with The Man! Aquarius Moon favors all communications, intellectual pursuits, working with technology, new products and new systems. We also feel more altruistic, so it's a great time to lend a hand by volunteering or helping out a humanitarian cause. Just say, Peace!

Aquarius is the sign of free love. That doesn't mean it's promiscuous; it means it loves humanity as a whole. The individual parts? Not so much. It's hard for these idealists to tie themselves down to one single, imperfect human being. True, this energy does foster a "friend to all and sister to every other girl scout" mentality, but when it comes to  emotions and intimacy, this overly intellectual sign can be as dispassionate as Mr. Spock. Don't be surprised if you hear, or find yourself uttering, "I need my space." It's the mantra of this cool-and-aloof Moon. So here's the scoop. Dating can still be great fun now, if you think of it as a group activity. Grab your partner and your posse and go to a party, go dancing or check out that eclectic hole-in-the-wall club.  Don't expect to get all lovey-dovey, and you won't be disappointed. We're more apt to get hot and bothered over net neutrality then a hot, steamy night of love. Don't worry. You can be as soppy and emotional as you want when the Moon moves into Pisces.

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When the Moon Is in PISCES, Create!

Outlook: Misty
Advisory:  Low visibility conditions prevail. Clarity and reality are reduced due to Fog
Element: Water (emotional, intuitive; martyr-like)
Mode: Mutable (fluid, receptive; susceptible)
Highs: romantic, empatheticcreative, spiritual, sympathetic, compassionate, non-judgmental
Lows: thin-skinnedmoodyevasive, elusive, spacey, escapist

The temperature rises as the Moon moves from cool and aloof Aquarius into warm and fuzzy Pisces.  The prevailing mood is kind and empathetic, overly sensitive and dreamy. You’ll be wearing your heart on your sleeve and walking with your head in the clouds. Watch out for potholes! Fortunately, your inner vision will be keen and your intuition stronger than usual. You’ll find it easier to tap in to your creativity and receive inspiration from the cosmos—that’s the heavens, not the cocktail. Normally, I wouldn’t feel the need to make that distinction, but Pisces is a sign of extremes. Its symbol is two fish, each trying to escape in the opposite direction: One seeks a divine revelation, the other the nearest bar. Which way will you swim? You can plumb the depths of your creativity or pluck the olives from your dirty martini. I say, go creative. It’ll be a lot more fruitful.

And speaking of being creative…The Muse is with you!  There’s no better time to use your imagination and explore your ingenuity. All types of artistic pursuits are favored, from music and art to writing, dance and design. But even if you’re writing code or laying bricks, you have the chance to create a true work of heart.  Good news for those who prefer to shirk responsibilities. Most people will be “out to lunch” and not paying close attention. So if you’re one of those who are inclined to “fake it till you make it,” you just might get away with it.  At least while the Moon is in this ethereal sign. FYI to Pisces: With the Moon in your sign, everyone will be as dazed and confused as they claim you are all the time. But you know how to navigate these waters, they don’t. Advantage, yours.

Pisces is the most romantic of all the signs. Love under this tender Moon is euphoric, dreamy and delusional. Pisces idealize their lovers, putting them on pedestals. But they're also fickle. One minute you look like a princess to them, the next minute you look like a toad. There are those Pisces extremes again. When the Moon is in this heavenly sign, you never have sex, you make love; and it must be as graceful as a ballet and as grand as any opera.  Don’t dare destroy the mood by bringing up mundanities.  Mention the cable bill or that you forgot to floss and you’ll find yourself crying: I’ve fallen off my pedestal and I can’t get up! Warning: You may become intoxicated under this highly susceptible Moon and believe you’ve found the love of your life. But don’t start picking out the china. You’re in no position to discern whether you’ve met your soul mate or your cell mate.

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