Kat Lane's Astrocast

Astrologer Kat Lane's AstroCast is a week-at-a glance Forecast to help you Plan by the Light of the Void Moon.

Before going out, check the weather.
Before making plans, check the AstroCast.

Sample ASTROCAST for Week of  May 4, 2015          All times = EDT           12:00a = Midnight

Sample ASTROCAST for Week of  May 4, 2015          All times = EDT           12:00a = Midnight

Looking for the right time to pitch
that proposal or set that date?
Let the Moon be your guide!

For millennia, sailors have navigated by the Moon and farmers have planted by it. Now you can plan by it!

We all know the Moon’s gravitational field controls the tides, but did you know it also affects our moods? 
As the Moon makes its monthly trek around the zodiac, it creates a collective mood, or "Cosmic Climate," that changes every day or so, depending upon the sign the Moon is passing through. This Cosmic Climate, affects all of us in pretty much the same way—regardless of what sign we happen to be.

For instance, when the Moon travels through expansive Sagittarius, we're all likely to feel more generous. I know bartenders who swear they get bigger tips when the Moon is in this extravagant sign. But when it travels through cautious Capricorn, we tend to penny-pinch—so this would not be the time to ask for that raise.

By showing you which sign (or signs) the Moon will be in each day, and providing lively depictions of the different Moon signs and the types of activities that fare best under each, the ASTROCAST can help you choose the best time each week for your upcoming activities. 

But most important, and what sets the ASTROCAST apart from other astrological forecasts, is that it alerts you to the
lunar phenomenon known as the Void Moon.

Avoid the Void! 

                          VOID MOON!

                          VOID MOON!

As the Moon orbits from the end of one sign to the beginning of the next, it temporarily disconnects from the rest of the planets—sort of like a cell phone dropping out when it loses a signal. When the Moon is in one of these drop-out periods, which can last from a few minutes to a few days, it's referred to as a Void of Course Moon.  


During a Void Moon, nothing goes according to plan. We not only feel unfocused, we experience delays, cancellations, uncertainties and frustration—definitely not the time to set the date or buy a car. 

In the sample ASTROCASTs, at top and below, you can see that these Void Moon periods are strewn throughout each week like potholes. Doesn't it make sense to know when they're going to occur?

If you do nothing else—if you don't give a fig about Astrology and think your Moon is in Uranus—if all you do is avoid these unpredictable Void periods when making plans, you'll come out ahead.

How to Read the ASTROCAST

Think of the ASTROCAST as a 7-day weather forecast, but instead of tracking the daily weather with cute little sun and cloud icons, the ASTROCAST tracks our daily temperament with cute little zodiac-sign icons. 

                               Typical 7-day Weather Forecast

                               Typical 7-day Weather Forecast

Sample ASTROCAST for week of May 4, 2015

Sample ASTROCAST for week of May 4, 2015

Let's take a look at Thursday, May 7th, below.
In this example, Thursday  begins with the Moon traveling through the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. This means we are ALL in a Sagittarius state of mind, UNTIL 1:51p when the Moon leaves Sagittarius to travel to the next sign.

It takes time for the Moon to wend its way from the end of one sign to the beginning of the next, anywhere from a few minutes to a few days.

While the Moon is en route,  it disconnects from the rest of the zodiac. Think of it as the Moon hopping on a plane to get from one sign to the next and having to shut off all its electronic devices. 

In the above example, we can see that the Moon will be “disconnected” or Void, from 1:51p to 2:15p.

THEN, at 2:16p, the Moon arrives in Capricorn, the next sign of the Zodiac. Now we are ALL in a Capricorn state of mind.

Get in Sync with the Moon

So what does it mean to be in a Sagittarius, Capricorn or Void state of mind? Clicking on the Moon sign buttons that follow each ASTROCAST will take you to the Moon Tones page which will tell you everything you need to know about how each particular sign affects our daily temperament. 

When you first start checking the ASTROCAST, you'll want to read those sign depictions to help you better plan your time. But soon, you'll be an Astro pro. You'll know, for instance, that when the Moon is in fair Libra, love is in the air; but when it’s in stormy Scorpio, that air can be full of turbulence. You’ll also begin to recognize the Moon signs that help you shine … and the ones that don’t.

The AstroCast in Action

Say you have to schedule an important presentation this week. First, check the ASTROCAST, note where the Void Moons are and, if at all possible, rule out those times. Now if that’s all you do, congratulations! You’ve avoided scheduling your meeting during a predictably unpredictable time.

HOWEVER, if you're curious about when the best time this week might be for your presentation, let’s take another look.  According to the ASTROCAST, there are two signs in play for most of the work week, Gemini and Cancer.

After reading the Moon sign depictions for each, you learn that Gemini is excellent for all communications, especially presentations. How fortuitous! You can schedule the meeting anytime on Tuesday (after 9:21a.m.) or Wednesday when the Moon is in Gemini. Yes, the Moon is also in Gemini on Thursday, but only till 8.35a.m., when it goes Void again. Unless your colleagues love coming in especially early to hear what you have to say, forget Thursday morning.

But, uh-oh. After choosing Wednesday and feeling like you just won the office pool, your boss says she won't be in that day; the only good time for her is Friday… afternoon.  You check the ASTROCAST again and see that the Moon isn’t Void on Friday but it is in Cancer, when people tend to be moodier than usual. 

Also, it’s Friday, and you don't need the ASTROCAST to tell you that some of those moody people will want to leave early and may get resentful if you keep them too late. After all, it’s only you and your presentation standing between them and their first drink.

What to do?

After rereading the Moon in Cancer, you learn that nothing soothes the moody beasts like comfort food. Let everyone know you’ll be serving designer cupcakes (and, if you work at an ad agency or tech company, plenty of booze) and there’ll be standing room only for your presentation! 


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